Ye Olde Slashe Shippes: Aubrey Beardsley

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These aren’t actually medieval; they’re Aubrey Beardsley‘s illustrations for an 1893 special edition of Le Morte D’Arthur. You’ve probably already seen the famous picture of the Lady of the Lake with Excalibur, because it’s one of the only ones where everyone has their pants on.

I’m not kidding about the no pants thing. Le Morte D’Arthur was apparently Beardsley’s first commission. He drew dicks all over everything, and the Victorians said, “Yes, this is exactly the correct amount of dicks required to illustrate the rise and fall of the a legendary king” and turned him into one of the most influential artists of his age.

Pictures are after the jump because they’re not safe for work, unless your office specializes in cartoon penises.



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